Monday, June 4, 2012

Finally an Update on Parenthood

    Alright everybody!! This is my first post in MONTHS! I'm so sorry. I got so side tracked with a new baby, not having internet, etc. But no more excuses. I have a computer at work I can use, so I have internet. And Holden is awesome enough to let me use the comupter! ;)
    So here we go!

   Last time I told you John and I were expecting a baby. And it was so exciting! I got humoungous thru the months

My sister had her baby two weeks late
Baby Merideth Marie

And two weeks later, it was my turn!!!
Holden Cache- December 18, 2011

Here's the dish. On Saturday, the 17th, I went to my Grandma's new condo to play games with all my sisters and Mom. It was a fun crazy night! We were laughing like crazy, yelling, talking, playing games like MacKendrick girls do! I wasn't feeling too awesome. My tummy just felt so tight and I was just achy. But my sisters said it was nothing, just Braxton Hicks. I believed them since they have experience! Later, I went to John's friends house where they were playing video games. I knew it was going to be a long night, so I settled down on the couch to fall asleep. The only problem was, I couldn't get comfortable enough to get to sleep. My back ached way too bad and I felt nauseous. So I just layed there until I finally fell asleep!
The next day we went to church. I still wasn't feeling 100% and even slept longer than usual. At church I was asked to give the closing prayer in Gospel Essentials class, and was a little hesitant to accept. Around the middle of the class I started having contractions. REALLY close together. Like, 5 minutes apart. I gave the closing prayer and told John we had to go. We went home and John turned on the football game while I sat there having crazy contractions! They were getting closer, and finally I was at just one minute apart for about a minute long. NOT FUN! I asked my sisters what to do, and they said to wait longer. But I couldn't! I called the doctor to find out her opinion and she said to come in. We threw a bunch of stuff in the car and left.
That car ride took forever!! I just wanted to tell John to drive faster. I'm sure he was nervous too! Once at the hospital the lady was asking us the regular questions and I couldn't sit there too long. She noticed I was uncomfortable and led me to the room to get checked and admitted. I was at a 4!! I got to stay. :) It was 3 PM.
The whole process wasn't terrible. They gave me meds for the pain, but it wasn't helping. Around 7 PM I just couldn't take it anymore. I wouldn't let John touch me, showers didn't help, walking was death, and every contraction induced panic that another one was coming! At that point I was at about a 7, and not progressing. So I gave in and got an epidural. It was SO hard to sit still through contractions, but I had help from the nurse and John's comforting. After the epidural I was so loopy and sleepy from the pain meds! It took maybe half an hour to be ready to push. We pushed a few times while waiting for the doctor to arrive, and in between pushes I was just so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open! I could listen, and I laughed at what the nurse and John were talking about, but I could-not-for-the-life-of-me keep my eyes open. The doctor took forever to get there, and by the time she was there it only took 2 or 3 more pushes and Holden was born!!!
Holden was so beautiful! They handed him to me and he was sticky and gross, but I didn't care! He was here, and I was so happy and in love!! He was 7 pounds, 11 ounces. 21 and 1/4 inches long. Born at 9:56 PM on December 18, the day before our anniversary. :)
Those first few nights were tough, trying to figure out nursing and getting him to sleep. Some nurses gave good advice, some just didn't make sense! Some said use a paci, some said it's a bad idea! I finally gave in and gave him the paci because he just would not sleep!! It was a nice hospital stay. The nurses were helpful, the medicine was nice, and I loved having visitors.

Holden at home. :)

Christmas was wonderful. We had my parents over to visit, and just had a relaxing day with the 3 of us. :)
Life with Holden has been exciting, new, challenging, and life-changing! He is a complete joy to have in our home!! It definitely takes patience to be a mommy of a 5-almost-6-month-old. He has different ideas of what is supposed to be going on!! He loves kisses, peekaboo, flying, sitting on Mommy's lap, talking to Daddy, clapping, bathtime, and reading. He started sleeping through the night, and he got his first tooth to pop through! We love being parents, and wouldn't change it for the world! We love you Holden!!


Meagan said...

I LOVE hearing people's birth stories!! :) Thanks for sharing. He sure is a cutie!

Liz said...

Congrats!! He is so cute!